


Dedicated to serving the interests of members of the Austin Healey Club (UK) Limited who reside in the regions of Northern England, North Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Oct16Northern Centre AGM

The Northern Centre AGM will be held in Brighouse and will coincide with the regular Yorkshire Noggin and Natter.

It will take place at 8pm on Wednesday 16th October 2024, at the The Black Horse, 204 Towngate, Clifton, Brighouse, HD6 4HJ.

Members will be able to join the AGM virtually on Zoom or in person at the meeting where light refreshments will be provided.

All Northern Centre members are welcome so please join us to air your views on how we run the Centre, hear what we are planning for the coming year, and to vote in the committee.

We always want to hear from members who wish to become more involved with the running of the centre.

Please advise secretary@ahc-northern.org.uk if you would like to attend in person. Alternatively, e-mail webmaster@ahc-northern.org.uk if you would like to join the meeting virtually on Zoom.

Watch out for more details about the AGM on our website. For more information contact the Chairman: Douglas McClymont on 07940 313947 or, chairman@ahc-northern.org.uk

Nov5Northern Centre Skittles Challenge

Our semi-regular Skittles Challenge night will be held again this year on Tuesday 5th November at the Bickerton Poacher, starting 7pm for 7.30pm.

This challenge is traditionally made up of three teams representing the Cheshire, Leek and Welsh Sub-centres.

A Steak and Ale pie supper will be served. Cost £16.95 per person.

Full details are given in the Coming Events section. You can see photos from previous years in the Past Events section.

Austin Healey Club Northern Centre 'Toolbox'

An initiative has taken to hold a selection of tools that members can borrow, use, and return. The tools are items that members might need for a one-off job where they could not justify purchasing the tool. A page on the Northern Centre website has been created to show the current tools held and how you can borrow them.

The way the 'Toolbox' works is that you visit the website, pick the tool you wish to borrow, fill in a form with your details, pay a deposit (which is refundable) plus the cost of postage and packing and the tool is on its way. After use, you return the tool, and the deposit is returned to you.

The Thames Valley Centre also have a 'Toolbox' and we have a reciprocal arrangement with them where members from either centre can hire tools from both toolboxes. Members of the Northern Centre will need to visit the Thames Valley Centre website to borrow tools from their ‘Toolbox’ and vice versa for the Thames Valley Centre.

The Northern Centre have allocated an annual budget to purchase small tools so as to expand the tools held by the club. If you have any suggestions for a tool that you think members of the club could benefit from being held in our 'Toolbox' please let us know.

To access the 'Toolbox', click Toolbox on the menubar at the top of the page, or click here.